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Lyric song

The words of a song are referred to as lyrics.
A "lyric song" can be about a vast range of subjects.
Some are about love, others about justice, some about the beauty of nature and others are an expression of political critique.
Generally, the melody and tone correspond to the message of the song.
The beat of the music can vary from being melancholy, to romantic, from suspenseful to risqué.
A "lyric song" also varies in its length.
While some songs can be multiple stanzas long, some may only have two stanzas, and others may more closely resemble a short poem of only eight or ten lines.
Anybody can write a "lyric song.
" Some musicians compose the words that make up the songs they sing, while others hire professional song writers who put together the words for their songs.
Sometimes, the actual singer may meet up with professional song writers and compose the words for their song together.
A talented "lyric song" writer may have studied the art of words and music in college or may simply have a special intrinsic skill for self-expression in song.
It is the content of this type of art that is most important; a very successful "lyric song" is one with which many people feel that they can connect, and becomes a hit.
While the actual words of the song may mean different things to different people, it takes a very unique "lyric song" to rouse any type of emotion or nostalgia in a listener.