Song South


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Download song

A downloaded song is one that is taken from the internet and put onto your computer.
This type of music can be stored in files on your computer, burnt onto CDs, and transferred to other people as well.
Since the advent of computers and the World Wide Web more and more individuals are collecting their music in this way.
Being able to collect your music in this fashion has many advantages.
A consumer can acquire only the songs he wants, and then make his own disc compilation that includes any “downloaded song” he likes.
There is such a wide variety of music on the internet and so many websites that offer downloadable music, that most people can find the song they seek; websites offering this type of service have their music listed by genre, artist name, or song title.
When assessing a person’s collection of downloaded music, it is quite common for one downloaded song to have come from one site and another downloaded song to have come from elsewhere.
Nonetheless, acquiring your music through the internet has one serious disadvantage.
When a downloaded song was acquired without a fee, which undoubtedly pleases the consumer, the musician is withheld his rightful royalty.
This has been the source of much frustration for contemporary artists who feel that they are not making the money they deserve.
As a result, there have been court cases and fines issued, and today it is becoming more common to purchase your “downloaded song.